Sunday, October 29, 2017


. Peter and Mary Thompson lived on old farm in the south of  London . They had got two children . Anny was 15 and Charles was 19 years years old .Charles had got an strange illness . He didn t  speak to anybody , he didn t communicate with anybody and  he didn t walk . He only looked through the window . His parents had spent all their fortune to save him but it was impossible . He was such a lonely and sad plant . He only breathed.

.While Peter and Mary worked on the farm  , Anny took care of her brother . She was very jealous of him.She thought their parents only loved Charles .These terrible  jealousies  were tormenting her.

.In a cold winter night, when everybody was sleeping , a horribly shout was heard then a strange laugh in Charles bedroom . Inmediately the light turned off and scary air was all arround the house . The parents ran desperately to their sick son . When arrived there they found Charles dead. His chest was covered with his red and warm blood . They hugged their son and started to cry.

.Peter looked at the window and saw Anny running to the hill .That was the last time he ever saw her

Image result for señor mirando desde la ventana su hija al pasto