Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A view from the bridge

In  the subject  of  literature ,we read  A VIEW FROM TTHE BRIDGE by Arthur Miller .The teacher told us to gather in pairs  and produce an infograpich about one of the main characters

Thursday, October 10, 2019

"Cetacean", by Peter Reading

 .The teacher divided us in groups in order to make presentations about a poem,my group had to present CETACAN . The activity was to make a presentation that has a complete analysis of the poem which we played.

This is our presentation:

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Sistema circulatorio

En las recientes clases de la materia biología, estuvimos estudiando el sistema circulatorio. Realizamos un cuadro de los diferentes sistemas circulatorios en los distintos grupos de seres vivos y ahora buscamos fotos de la anatomía del corazón de los animales de cada uno de estos grupos.

Primero, ponemos foto de las distintas anatomías del corazón de los distintos grupos de seres vivos:

Corazón Humano/Mamífero:
Corazón Moluscos:

Corazón Anélidos:

Corazón Insectos:

Corazón Arácnidos:

Corazón Anfibios:

Corazón Peces:

Ahora, en este link esta el cuadro con las distintas circulaciones comparadas.

Por último, insertamos algunas fotos del corazón humano y algún vídeo que explique el ciclo cardíaco.

Corazón cerrado:

Corazón abierto:

Capas del corazón:

El ciclo cardíaco:

Monday, August 12, 2019

Aternoon with Irish Cows -questions

5-“To see which one of them was being torched or pierced through the side with a long spear”This phrase struck me by the way he describes it as "they are damaging the cows", but until that part we do not know if they are damaging them or not .The speaker might be imagining it or maybe strike me the way it is described as it is type is sadistic. Although all that was what he supposed because of what he heard.

7-The speaker has a discomfort that was that he did not know what was happening to the cows (the cows did not stop producing sound). He at the beginning thinks that they were hurting the cows and that the noises implied their suffering. When he decides to go to see what was happening he realizes that everything is fine and that the cows were producing the normal sound that the cows make

11-In the poem one of the main ideas may be the extraordinary of the ordinary. The speaker presents with elegance and intelligence this quote “how mysterious, how patient and dumbfounded.” The cows of the poem are not similar to cows that everyone knows : lonely, still, silent, boring. These are really different cows. We find in the poem a strange presence in these boring animals. These cows make a strange, mysterious sound, which can come from the darkness of the belly. That darkness can express the idea of a mysterious place in which nothing can be seen. Everything is dark

Big Data electoral

En la clase de NTICx, estuvimos investigando que es el Big Data, sus características y sus datos interesantes.La profesora nos dio informacion para que podamos sacar informacion desde ahí, la actividad fue escribir breve mente que es el Big Data

¿Que es el Big Data? es cuando hablamos de una posibilidad de guardar informacion y explorar un gran volumen de datos para beneficiar,un ejemplo puede ser las empresas ya que el Big Data obtiene informacion sobre los clientes de la empresa .Usar el Big data no es fácil tenes que cumplir con ciertos requisitos de seguridad, otro ejemplo puede ser,que la empresa requiere de la autorización de sus clientes para usar sus datos como dueño de la información, tiene que dar el consentimiento.

Actualmente en el 2019 quieren utilizar el Big Data para las campañas electorales, de manera tal que pueda facilitar el análisis de información . Esto favorece a los candidatos, por que que gracias a las redes sociales y televisión, pueden conseguir crearse una imagen para ellos mismos así como poder generar una propuesta que le llame la atención los votantes.

En fin, el big data te puede beneficiar por un lado, ya que te hace mas fácil el proceso de información , comos cosas buenas también tienen cosas malas como que no sabemos si realmente la información que nos están dando es verdadera ya que puede estar manipulada.

Image result for big data electoral

Friday, July 19, 2019

"The Poplar Field", by William Cowper

After reading, discussing and analyzing the poem "The Poplar Field", by William Cowper in the subject of LIterature, the teacher told us to make a presentation and include some of the aspects that appear in the poem. I did it with Octavio Zacagnino.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


At the time of EM the teacher asked us to make a chard with all climates with its proper temperature, precipitation etc

Geographical position
Special features
5° latitude north and south of the equator
Around 26°C
2000/2500 ml of annual rainfall
No seasonal variation, Farmers can rely on the amount of rain needed
5° to 15° latitude north and south of the equator
Around 29°C
1000/1500 ml of annual rainfall
Two seasons : Dry and wet, depending on the position of the sun
Southern east Asia
Between 25°C and 30°C
920 ml of rainfall
Two seasons: Dry and wet, depending on the winds direction
Hot desert
West of continents, near one of the two tropics and next to a cold ocean current
22°C average 
200/250 ml of rainfall
Hot during day, cold during night.
Wind blow from land
Cold climate
Northern Hemisphere 
10°C to 15°C during summer
350/400 ml of rainfall
Farmers are incapable of planting crops. 
Around the north pole
Not more than 10°C in summer
Mostly in the form of snow
Low amount of precipitation. 

We can all help

Today in Em's class we saw two videos. The first one was of two very different cases in places that lack water and where there is no lack of water.  In the first part of the video we see a young man carrying a tap of clean water in a bottle and later on in the video we see a girl carrying water from a lake that had dirty water and at the end of the video we see the young man with clean water and  Drinking is given to the girl who had dirty water and not drinkable. In this video we see a clear case that rich water countries can help poor countries in water

 In the second video we see a girl from a poor water country who narrated her thoughts while walking many meters to get dirty water but had to settle for no clean water.  This video made us reflect on the fact that we should be really grateful for everything we have.

Image result for gente ayudando con agua

Monday, July 1, 2019

La Coupe du monde féminine de football

Ce qui s’est passé en France ces dernières années?

La Coupe du monde féminine de football:
La Coupe du monde féminine de football ou Coupe du monde féminine de la FIFA est une compétition internationale de football qui se déroule ordinairement tous les quatre ans. Elle est organisée par la FIFA et met aux prises des sélections nationales.
Le titre de champion du monde féminin de football est détenu par les États-Unis depuis 2015 et est actuellement remis en jeu lors de la Coupe du monde féminine de football 2019, disputée en France.

Préparation de l'événement:

Désignation du pays hôte

La France était en compétition avec la Corée du Sud pour organiser la huitième édition de la Coupe du monde féminine ainsi que la neuvième édition de celles des moins de 20 ans en 2018. L'Angleterre, la Nouvelle-Zélande et l'Afrique du Sud ont déclaré forfait. Le Japon et la Suède se sont montrés intéressés sans déposer leur candidature.

Des Symboles:

L'emblème et le slogan ont été lancés le 19 septembre 2017 au Musée de l'homme à Paris. L'emblème imitait que la forme du trophée féminin présentait un ballon de football stylisé composé de huit fragments de lumière décorative, symbole de la huitième édition de la Coupe du monde féminine. Alude a plusieurs icônes culturelles françaises:

Les couleurs du drapeau de la france.
Les rayures bleues et blanches de la marinière, également appelée frange bretonne.
La fleur de lis
Le slogan officiel est "Oser briller", ce qui se traduit en français par "Le moment de briller" en espagnol par "Le moment de briller".

La Mascotte:

On partage une belle chanson française:

La Chanson:

ZAZ - Que Vendrá?

Qu'importe là où je vais
Tant que j'ai l'audace
De tenir la main de l'autre
Pour aimer le temps qui passe
Dans tout ce que je fais
La rage et l'amour s'embrassent
Quelle soit mienne ou qu'elle soit vôtre
La vie nous dépasse
Qué vendrá, qué vendrá
Describo mi camino, sin pensar, sin pensar
Dónde acabará
Dans mes joies, dans mes peines, dans mes choix, dans mes larmes
Je laisse aller mes sentiments
Au mieux on écrit son chemin comme on se soigne
Pour aimer indifféremment
Sous les sables mouvants d'un passé qui s'effondre
Je me raccroche à ceux que j'aime
Prenons soin de chaque seconde
Les heures prendront soin d'elles-mêmes
Qué vendrá, qué vendrá
Describo mi camino, sin pensar, sin pensar
Dónde acabará
Qué vendrá, qué vendrá
Describo mi camino
Si me pierdo es que ya me he encontrado y sé
Que debo continuar
Puisque nous sommes ici sans savoir
Ce qui nous attend un peu plus tard
Laisser parler mon instinct, me guérir
Puisque tout cela est bien trop court
J'aimerai jusqu'à mon dernier jour
Jusqu'à mon dernier souffle de vie
Qué Vendrá, qué Vendrá
Jusqu'où j'irai, j'en sais rien
Sin pensar, sin pensar
Sans penser à demain
Qué vendrá, qué vendrá
Describo mi camino
Si me pierdo es que ya me he encontrado y sé
Que debo continuar
Qué vendrá, qué vendrá
Describo mi camino
Si me pierdo es que ya me he encontrado y sé
Que debo continuar
Si me pierdo es que ya me he encontrado y sé
Que debo continuar

Sunday, June 23, 2019


THE MOVING FINGER is a story written by Edith Wharton, in this story we find 3 themes: love, obsession and control. These three themes are in different parts of the stories and I will analyze them is this essay

In this essay, I will write about “The moving finger” by “Edith Wharton”, which talks about the relationship between two men and the portrait of a dead woman. I will develop how the author portrays the relationship between Claydon, Mr Grancy and Mrs Grancy as a toxic relation full of control, love and obsession.

To begin with, when Mr Grancy married his second wife, Mrs Grancy, he recovered from a big depression he had; he blossomed again. Mr Grancy feelin deep love with Mrs Grancy, she was a precious thing he couldn't lose. That is why he traped her essence in a portrait. This was shown in the quotation “you're my prisoner now- I shall never lose you.” Even though Mrs Grancy was still alive, her husband wanted to preserve her. This concept was more visible when Mrs Grancy died since the only way Mr Grancy could control her was in his imagination and the portrait was the closest object to her memory.

Consequently, the portrait influenced a lot in Mr Grancy’s life a lot, his love and obsession were so intense that although he thought that he controlled the portrait in a way the portrait controlled him. Firstly, Mr Grancy wanted to unfreeze time, he asked Claydon to change the portrait because he felt that he was leaving his wife behind, that time was stopped; when time is not running is the same as being dead, for him Mrs Grancy was alive. When the portrait was edged Mr Grancy stopped thinking it as a picture, that picture became his real wife.After that Mr Grancy only obeyed his wife, that is the reason why when Claydon changed the portrait again and put Mrs Grancy with the face of a woman who knows that her husband will die, Mr Grancy believed her and in a way she became her warrant of death. This ideas are portrayed by the following quote “it was The Face of a woman who knows that her husband is dying,my heart stood still at the thought of what claydon had done”.In this quote claydon had changed the painting had ruined it, he made the woman grow old

On the other hand, Claydon was also obsessed with Mrs Grancy. He was in love with her and that is why he could paint her as Mr Grancy saw her. Claydon at the beginning did not want to change the portrait but he ended accepting. First, you do not know why he accepts but then Claydon told the narrator that Mrs Grancy said him to change the portrait, that she convinced him. Claydon wanted to have Mrs Grancy for his own to be his not of Mr Grancy. This is shown in the quotation “she belongs to me now...” However, Claydon also wanted (that) Mr Grancy To dies,that is why even though he blindly believes in the portrait he also used it as an excuse to convince himself that what he was doing was right.  

To conclude, I think that these 3 ideas ,Control ,Love and obsession are  the main 3 themes of the story, if we choose a Event of the story we will at least find one of these concepts
Image result for moving finger by edith wharton

Friday, April 12, 2019

The first story

In the classes of literature, we read the story "The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane and analysed it. In the following infographic, we can see the themes developed in the story. I worked with Tomas Marin